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We have most guns at a great price HERE on our website. Or maybe you already found a good deal and just need our FFL for the transfer. Sometimes, customers use gunbroker to find specific used, vintage, or rare firearms. Whatever your choice, simply follow the instructions below, print or share this link/page with your shipper, and we can help with the transfer. There is a three-day wait on all firearms transactions so you may want to come by in advance to help get the process started. Then, that background check is valid for thirty (30) days. Track your own package, and then after you see it has been delivered, you can usually pick it up the next business day. (Ask Edward about bribing him with a special root beer if needed.) We can even do your EFT (Electronic Fingerprints) for NFA transfers if you need. See our procedures below on our FFL document.
There is a 3-Day waiting period and new FFL/CFL/CBI fees on all firearms transactions.
Total Fee is now $59.00 and is CASH ONLY.
We apologize for the wait and fees. Colorado lawmakers are violating our Constitution by delaying our Freedoms and charging fees for (and taxing) our Rights.
We recommend joining groups like RMGO (Rocky Mountain Gun Owners) to help fight these attacks on our Liberties and to help keep Colorado free and safe.